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There are 161 registered sites, 1 waiting to be authorized, with 121 total visitors today.
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# #y Site Today Best! Top5 Top10 Top25 Top50 Max Total Days Avg
7151Knightmare Saga01835127970421034145967296.16
7353MSX Snatcher Translation Project01621611437919574107567436.09
7486HWADO SOFTWARE01510581674191039354931.89
7587HWADO SOFTWARE - JAVA MSX Emulator01500491582201044654931.90
7688The MSX Games bOX01440228818889256218111974673816.62
7744Fabf MSX page01341114419121131123935473.17
7838MSX Sampa013482053953602127667393.16
7989The MSX Repository0113813523931681264637673.36
8091MSX Eggerland011032392701451502236224.15
8192MSX Café098693224497006232101458642315.80
8293MSX Hobby09051502970471552747763.25
8354Repro Factory0900792116331117437772.96
8494Karoshi Corporation Development Boards0828728248668241922783067384.13
8540MSX SimCity0857571078175858559751.44
8695MSX Cassettes!081207052994812591848195.38
8796La SeKTa 080149634154863258491.48
8998Django's Blog05007034241269440940.66
9099Tabajara Labs03955181765047134123963866.46
91100FONY Base0375097313302332729967384.05
92101Ghosts'n Goblins for MSX Project0341012542611871615660132.69
93102Altered Beast for MSX Project031343136374900061011.48
94103NightFox home0313151877119522966520.79
95104Ilusion City: the translation030847180433857267431.27
96105Karateka for MSX03012838032441560770.73
97106Club MSX Argentino025049334736313453067067094.57
98107Parodius English Version02547119348671840267431.25
9931MSX page by Avelino0230690710515066700.77
10045Cobra Preservation Project02023658947497344391.12
102109MSX Assembleur02014385849233340.15
103110MSX Info pages0200012412106851790.21
10455MSX Viewer014343154718695167391.03
105111The Nemesis Webworld (mirror)01121880094471367210.70
#Best (Average)AvgToday
21The MSX Games bOX16.620
22MSX Web Game16.314
23MSX Calamar16.051
24MSX Café15.800
25Recuerdos de 8 Bits15.330
26Raymond's MSX Pagina14.991
27MSX Rating14.840
28The MSX Files14.720
30MSX Laboratory12.702

#Best (Points)PointsToday
21Generation MSX396040
22MSX Argentina396010
24Un Mundo de Retro Juegos3658827
25Amusement Factory356210
26EdiOS Project352720
27the MSX page342710
28Revistas MSX en espa±ol308690
30MarMSX Develop301780

#New SitesDaysToday
21MSX Online Games29560
22MSX Web Game30474
23Retrogaming Total30890
24MSX Hardware Pagina31270
25MSXVIVA! Comunidad MSX32222
26MSX VIVA! Comunidad MSX32290
27MSX Assembleur33330
28Univers MSX33360
29Konamiman's MSX Page35190
30blueMSX on MSX blue35381
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#Today's site position. Red means worse than yesterday. Green means better than yesterday.
#yYesterday's site position.
SiteSite name and link.
TodayNumber of different IPs accessed the site today. Red means the number of visits is below the daily average. Green means the number of visits is above the daily average. Blue means today is the most visited day of site's history. If you place the mouse pointer over this number and wait for a while, the site ratio will be displayed.
BestNumber of days the site finished as "number one".
Top5~Top50   Number of days the site finished among the 50 best sites.
MaxMaximum number of different visits the site ever had in a single day.
TotalTotal of different visits since the register date.
DaysNumber of days since the site was registered.
AvgAverage number of different visits per day.
PointsA weighted sum of all Best (16 points), Top5 (8 points), Top10 (4 points), Top25 (2 points) and Top50 (1 point) a site had in the past.

Visitor #233358 since 10/02/2006