Old News

Here you will find every "news" previously published on Knightmare Gold site.


# New AdjustROM vesion. Now there is a new test function and it works in 64 bit Windows.


# Corrected a bug on downloader that prevented CD files from being downloaded.


# Download page updated with better info on finding KMARE.ROM.


# KMGr3 was inclusing KMARE.ROM by mistake. The ROM was removed from the package.


# KMGr3 - Midas Loader 3.0.0: SCC audio, river water animation, multi-IDE and CDROM support, improved CD player routines, more bugs corrected... second public release!


# Corrected the problem with links in Music section.


# Midas Loader 2.0.0: New music, last bug corrected... first public release!


# Midas Loader 1.4.4: Corrected bug on IDE detection slot text. Corrected a bug that prevented Easy Mode in some configurations. Corrected a bug that prevented game to run without smooth scroll. Improved speed a little: replaced BIOS IRQ.


# Midas Loader 1.4.3: Added timer to avoid double colisions on Easy Mode, correcting the behaviour on Death Boss. Corrected the "missing horn" bug on easy mode's player death animation. Added support for Easy Mode on MSX1 mode also (no energy indicator, though). Added command line option to enable easy mode.


# Midas Loader 1.4.2: Now the black Power Up will recover player energy on easy mode.


# Midas Loader 1.4.1: Re-enabled automatic turbo mode. Now the player starts with 5 lives on easy mode. Now the player energy is restored on each stage start. Corrected bug was making shield and horn go invisible when going to next stage on easy mode. Now the shield will turn to transparent while going weak. Rewrote some loader text to free space. Easy Mode is now correctly disabled on MSX1 mode.


# Midas Loader 1.4.0: Optimized some routines for space, freeing space for pattern corrections. Corrected small pattern bugs on stages 5 and 8. Re-enabled "in game" RLE for some data, to free space. Improved colors used in fire sprites, on stage 4 enemy. Corrected the opening screen bug introduced with 1.3.9 easy mode.


# Half of Curiosities section translated into english. Thanks to Diego Ribeiro!
# Midas Loader 1.3.9: Added "Easy Mode". In this mode the player need to be touched 4 times to die.


# Midas Loader 1.3.8: Optimized several Konami routines (shapes) for speed and improved smooth scroll on 50Hz MSX2 computers @ 3.57MHz. Improved a little 60Hz MSX2 @ 3.57MHz too, but still too bug to be enabled. Worst part: I have only 33 bytes free. :(


# Midas Loader 1.3.7: Added auto-detect for fast VDPs (enables VDP writes using OUTIs). Now Smooth Scroll works on MSX2 50Hz computers, running at 3.57Hz. Corrected a little bug in one of command line options.


# Midas Loader 1.3.6: Now the screen is correctly centered (using set adjust) when in smooth scroll mode. Renamed old "Enhanced" mode to "Original+" mode and added a new Enhanced mode for sprites colorization.


# Midas Loader 1.3.5: Updated graphical menu information.


# Midas Loader 1.3.4: Redefined stage bosses on stage 6 and 8. Now all stages have full colored bosses. Killed some dead code to free space. Eliminated "Exit To DOS" code to free space. Tweaked a little more stage palettes.


# Midas Loader 1.3.3: Extra game data expanded to the maximum of 8KB. Redefined river water patterns, adding more colors. Redefined bosses' patterns for stages 1 and 5. Now stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 have full-colored bosses on Gold mode. Working on enemies 6 and 8 colorization.


# Midas Loader 1.3.2: Redefined stages 6, 7 and 8 patterns, improving the visual with new colors.


# Progress section updated.
# Midas Loader 1.3.1: Solved a little bug on death theme when on demo mode. Corrected some problems on stage 8 map, due to the new shadow effect on background columns. The last (I believe!) bug on stage 8 boss was solved. Redefined several patterns on stages 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5, improving the graphics of Gold mode.


# Midas Loader 1.3.0: "Killed" the last (I hope) bug in the CD player routines.


# New screenshots on section Images.
# Midas Loader 1.2.8/1.2.9: Now stages with columns in the background have a better 3D effect (shadows). Improved stage palettes. Stage 8 columns were painted with a slightly different blue, to be different from the ground. Added 3D effect to bridges.


# English version of web page almost done. Only Curiosities page remains portuguese-only. Thanks to Fabiano Colella for translating News/Old News section.
# Staff section updated.


# Most of the site is translated to English.


# First beta version of the website in english. A lot to translate yet.
# New musics on the MUSIC section
# Instructions, CD cover and label for Knightmare Gold available at the DOWNLOAD section
# More images added to IMAGES section.
# Midas Loader 1.2.7: Another bug fixed don the IDE Slot selection. A command line switch to turn the auto turbo off added. Fixed a bug that was stopping the normal score to be use correctly on MSX 1 mode.


# Midas Loader 1.2.6: The Jaú Release Version is ready.
# CDs are already burned.


# Midas Loader 1.2.5: Disabled RLE Routines where speed was more important, bugs on original and enhanced (introduced on version 1.0.7) palettes fixed, bug on cool colors palette fixed, MegaOpt will be activated only on smooth scroll mode, bug interfering on the music selection at the KMG menu fixed, turned off the use of gradient jewels when using the static color palette and� extensive test searching for another bugs� I think all of them are gone (the critic ones, at least)
# CD Cases are ready.


# Midas Loader 1.2.4: Game CD detecction enhanced, code adjusted for one music per level, bug at the CD �udio Music play fixed, and last but not least, another damn bug fixed � bugging me since the Knightmare CD, where the PSG played a strange sound while the level change music was playing from the CD.


# Finally 30 instructions are printed and ready at their DVD boxes.


# Midas Loader 1.2.3: Redone some routines at the split screen engine, now only 2 screen splits are being used instead of three. Adjust the split line for Turbo-R computers.


# Many... many manual covers printed.
# Midas Loader 1.2.2: Redone some optimizations (and eliminated some too), some of them were breaking the game since version 1.19. Brutal Video Optimizations (OUTI sequences) are default ON at computers with write control at the VDP, like CIEL 2+, Expert3, Turbo-R and Panasonic WX/WSX. Smooth Scroll allowed on 3,57 MHz � 50 Hz, and with video optimizations that uses OUTI (automatic or forced on the command line).


# Midas Loader 1.2.1:Enhanced the enemies and player plot routines. Video Optimizations are default OFF: there's an option on command line to turn them on (maybe this will not work on all machines).
# Midas Loader 1.2.0: Some huge optimizations on this version... even did them on some Konami codes t�o. Added a 'speed detection routine', and adjusted the split screen line for this new routine. Finally, smooth scroll for machines running on 3.57 MHz � 50 Hz screen !


# Midas Loader 1.1.9: A loto f new optimizations, taking out mosto f the glitches from smooth scroll mode. Adjusted the position for the 'Pause Animation Ballon', to fix its position on the smooth scroll mode (this was forgotten). Better adjusts at the screen splits. Added an command line option to choose the VDP frequency.
# DVD Cover are printed and ready.
# Labels are printed and ready.


# Midas Loader 1.1.8: Some visual glitches corrected.
# Bought the material for the game production.


# Bought most of the material for the 'anniversary special edition'.
# Started the english translation for the manual and the webpage.
# Some new musics are ready for Knightmare Gold.
# Some changes for better on the label, cover and manual.


# CD label ready.


# Midas Loader 1.1.7: Lots of code optimizations for enhancing the speed (now working good on brMSX, CIEL mode). Adjusted the pause routine showing the blanket at the right place, on smooth screen mode. Fixed a bug showing some wrong sprites on pause on and off when killing an enemy. Fixed bug making the character sprite jump when crushed by the scenery, at the lower part of the screen. Fixed a framebuffer change bug when the character were killed. Fixed a bug where the Level Boss was leaving some 'trash sprites' on the screen, if he moved before the scroll ended.
# Game Manual and DVD cover are ready.


# PARTNERS section created at the website.


# Midas Loader 1.1.6: Last detail at the smooth screen mode implemented: now the obstacles push Popolon in a smooth way (it was with a 8-line movement, like the original).
# Updated Staff section.


# Official Manual for the Gold version almost ready.


# KMG at the 'On the Media' section updated.
# Official Manual for the Gold version almost ready.


# KMG at the 'On the Media' section updated.
# Updated the IMAGES section with some screenshots showing comparing the Gold version with the original.


# Midas Loader 1.1.5: Another score style created, and the ability to choose the score. Added switches on the command line to control the new options. Fixed: with smooth scroll, score is always Enhanced or Gold. New layout for the Loader graphic menu.


# Midas Loader 1.1.4: Ability to turn the Smooth Scroll off at the command line. Some routines fixed. Bug at the Level bosses movements fixed. Changes at the palette (one new color added). B�nus notes colored on Gold mode.
# New sections: KMG on the Media and Old News.


# Midas Loader 1.1.3: Implementation of the Smooth Scroll finished. Fixed a bug making the screen jumps after the text 'STAGE XX'. Finally fixed the bug making some sprites disappearing.


# Midas Loader 1.1.2: Fixed the bug showing a black screen at the demo mode. Fixed the bug showing the blocks on wrong positions sometimes. Fixed a bug making the enemy sprites desappering. Level bosses' positions fixed.


# Midas Loader 1.1.1: End of the game with smooth scroll fixed. Fixed bugs introduced on version 1.0.7.


# Midas Loader 1.1.0: Smooth Scroll working on all levels, and stoping at the end of it. Fixed some visual bug when showing the text 'STAGE XX'. I can almost say that KMG already has the Smooth Scroll ! (^=


# Midas Loader 1.0.9: Implemented routines for stopping the scroll when catchinh the red jewel. Also implemented smooth scroll for the Level Bosses.


# Midas Loader 1.0.8: CD Routines adjusted to work with the Smooth Scroll. New score layout, with the timers.
# First file available on the DOWNLOADS section: original game instructions, scanned by Sandy Pleyte.
# Text at The Saga section corrected.


# Midas Loader 1.0.7: Partial success using smooth scroll. Reoganizing the code to make some space and several bugs fixed.


# Midas Loader 1.0.6: Trying Smooth Scroll again!

# Midas Loader 1.0.5: Hardware detection enhanced and fixed a bug on the MSX 1 machine.


# First game image available: Loader Menu ! Look at the IMAGES section !
# Midas Loader 1.0.4: Added na option for not using the graphic menu.
# Midas Loader 1.0.3: Extended mode score fixed.
# Open text time reduced.
# Added the ability of leaving the game pressing the ESC key.


# Midas Loader 1.0.2: Added graphic option menu for MSX2.

# Midas Loader 1.0.1: Option for the Power-Up sond plays on the PSG even when using digital CD music, allowing levels non-stop music.
# Fixed the music end timing, avoiding clicks at the end of the music on slower machines.
# Game Score modified, showing also info about the character speed.
# Progress section updated.


# Midas Loader 1.0: Added an option to turn the extended musics on and giving basic support to 'Exit to DOS', not working yet.
# Progress section updated.
# Music section updated.
# Curiosities section updated.


# Midas Loader 0.9: Now with Drive Stop, load waiting state and support for the new game music.


# Midas Loader 0.8: Finally... CD Music ! Besides that, implemented the switch to load waiting state, allowing the Status screen to be readed. Also the patch was modified so the game can be erased from memory with a simple Reset.


# Midas Loader 0.7: Another feature: each level h�s its own palette. This can be turned off on the Loader.


# Midas Loader 0.6: Adde basic support for CD-Rom Music. Not working yet, and I don't know if it will work some day: my IDE just died.


# Midas Loader 0.5: Bug fixed at the turbo code, this was freezing the game on some machines, specially on MSX 1.x.
# Vers�o 0.4 do Midas Loader: Option for machine selection. Including turbo on or off.


# For the first time the Midas Loader worked the way it should: converted Knightmare on Knightmare Gold. Most of the Loader features not implemented yet.


# A new name for the Loader, suggested by Felipe Bergo: Midas Loader.
# Midas Loader is able to load the original ROM and extra functions (on all MSX machines), the code is shared with the anterior KMG version.


# Loader version initiated, changing the original ROM into Gold.


# Sandy Pleyte colaboration added (Game instructions scanned).


# Website created.

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# New AdjustROM vesion. Now there is a new test function and it works in 64 bit Windows.


# Corrected a bug on downloader that prevented CD files from being downloaded.


# Download page updated with better info on finding KMARE.ROM.


# KMGr3 was inclusing KMARE.ROM by mistake. The ROM was removed from the package.


# KMGr3 - Midas Loader 3.0.0: SCC audio, river water animation, multi-IDE and CDROM support, improved CD player routines, more bugs corrected... second public release!


# Corrected the problem with links in Music section.


# Midas Loader 2.0.0: New music, last bug corrected... first public release!


# Midas Loader 1.4.4: Corrected bug on IDE detection slot text. Corrected a bug that prevented Easy Mode in some configurations. Corrected a bug that prevented game to run without smooth scroll. Improved speed a little: replaced BIOS IRQ.