Frequently Asked Questions
Why Knightmare Gold "Release" version needs the original ROM?
To avoid copyright legal problems, the authors decided to create a loader that
'patches' the original ROM to use new routines, instead of distribute a modified
Why the opening screen and Konami logo were changed?
Because the authors believe both deserved an improved version. The original
screens can be viewed loading the game in the MSX1 mode.
I think the new colors are bad. Can I change them?
Yes, you can... among those available on the menu. Just like Konami decided
the knight would be cyan and everybody had to get used to it, we decided for
a knight that is not cyan. (^=
Will you "upgrade" other games this way?
Maybe yes, maybe no. Anyway, Maze of Galious and Shalom are not in a
possibile list. (^=
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